
Ortelio participates in the Common Exploitation Booster event organised by the European Commission, between 23 and 24 October 2017. The aim of the Common Exploitation Booster is to build on, enrich and pool together the work done on exploitation by the INSO-2014 projects in the final stage of these EU […]

Ortelio at the Common Exploitation Booster

Ortelio participated at a workshop organised by “The Brocher Foundation” in Geneva (15-16 June 2017) to discuss “Connected Healthcare Robotics” issues, and more specifically the issues relating to Cloud Robotics when used for healthcare applications. The workshop had a number of themed panels, presentations and interdisciplinary discussions. Ortelio participated in […]

Ortelio discusses Connected Healthcare Robotics in Geneva

If you are potentially interested in cloud robotics, we would greatly appreciate sharing your views at This short survey will help us understand the challenges that robotic software developers are facing. It should only take you about 5 minutes to complete.  

Cloud robotics: what is in it for me?

NEWBITS – Through an improved understanding of ITS services towards innovative business models The European Commission sees an important role for Intelligent Transport Systems – short ITS – in order to enhance greening transport and improve transport efficiency, safety, and security.1 However, there is a lack of robust and innovative […]

1st NEWBITS press release

Ortelio is participating at the European Robotics Forum 2017 (ERF 2017) in Edinburgh, Scotland (22-24 March 2017), presenting its work in the MARIO project. You may visit us to discuss how robots can be used to support people with dementia, and learn about our open software platform for developers to easily create and […]

Ortelio at the European Robotics Forum 2017

Ortelio participates in the second European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing in Brussels from 5-8 December 2016. This year’s event is looking into how digital innovation will “Transform the future of health and care in Europe” and will unveil a shared-vision on how the Digital Single Market can turn demographic […]

Ortelio at the European Innovation Partnership on Active Healthy Ageing

In the 12th and 13th of October the kick-off meeting of the NEWBITS project took place at The Simulation Centre of the Technocentre in Coventry, UK. The NEWBITS project (New Business models for Intelligent Transport Systems) was recently approved for funding in the frame of the European Research Programme «Horizon […]

NEWBITS kick-off meeting

Ortelio participates in the ICT proposers day in Bratislava, Slovakia, between 26 and 27 September 2016. This networking event promotes European ICT Research & Innovation and focuses on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2017.

Ortelio at the ICT proposers day 2016

After a successful final project review, we are happy to announce that the Qtales project continues. We are in the process of establishing a new business entity that will offer Qtales. Please register to our platform or follow our social media accounts (Facebook, twitter) and you will be informed about the date […]

Qtales business

Ortelio is attending the RoboBusiness event (28-29 September 2016) that is being held at the city of San Jose, the heart of Silicon Valley. RoboBusiness is the international gathering place for professionals who want to create business advantage with robotics. For 12 years, RoboBusiness has empowered thousands of end users, investors and […]

Ortelio at RoboBusiness

Ortelio is attending the Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RAS) Regional Dissemination & Brokerage Event (12 September) in Coventry. Organised in collaboration with the Midlands Robotics Network, this event brings together RAS innovators across the Midlands region. Ortelio is having the opportunity to discuss with innovators its work on cloud robotics, and on possible uses […]

Ortelio at the Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RAS) event

We are proud to announce the release of the Q-Tales platform. You are welcome to register and test it here: Q-Tales is a Collaboration Ecosystem enabling creative individuals and companies to exchange multi-media content and create multi-plot, interactive Apps for Children, curated according to reader ability and educational value. […]

Q-Tales platform is now available

Ortelio attended the Diplohack Athens event (8 April 2016), where we presented the ROUTE-TO-PA project. During the event, we had the opportunity not only to present our work but also to exchange views on a number of key issues regarding the use of open data at the European level.

Ortelio at Diplohack Athens

Ortelio is working with the University of Passau (Digital Libraries and Web Information Systems lab) to add new semantic features in the Webternity crawler. We expect to release the new version of the crawler by the end of August 2016. The Webternity crawler is based on a state of the […]


Ortelio had a stand at the London Book Fair 2016 (London, 12-14 April). During the event, Ortelio had the opportunity to present the Q-Tales platform: “A Collaboration Ecosystem specifically designed to serve the needs of the European Children eBook industry”. If you are a parent, an illustrator, a musician, an educator, an author, a voice […]

Ortelio at the London Book Fair

Ortelio had a stand at the European Robotics Forum 2016 that was held in Ljubljana (20-23 March 2016). During these 3 days Ortelio presented the RAPP platform: “An open-source software platform for developers to easily create and deliver robotics apps”.

Ortelio at the European Robotics Forum 2016

We have just released a white paper on our Robotics Application Platform (RAPP), partially developed in the RAPP project. This open source cloud-based platform is a three-tier system using a ROS-based cloud, a robot API/SDK, and a robotic application store for distribution and execution of apps on Linux-based robots. The platform also […]

RAPP white paper

The ROUTE-TO-PA development team released the SPOD (Social Platform over Open Data) version 0.4. Major features: First communication between TET and SPOD! : now from every datalet shown from TET (and any CKAN), it is possible to connect back to “data source” and to the information page of the datasets. […]

Integrating SPOD 0.4 with Ultraclarity

The Robotics Map initiative just published its first European Robotics Map. This catalogue aims at helping you to identify key competences and partners at an international scale. The catalogue has been prepared with the cooperation of various partners: Aquitaine Robotics, BioRobotics Institute, Coboteam, Commission Européenne and DG CONNECT, Criif, euRobotics, […]

The first Robotics Map is ready!

Ortelio will attend the euRobotics Brokerage Day 2015, taking place at Brussels Expo on November 18. The main aim of this event is to bring together stakeholders from the robotics field to meet and discuss potential project ideas and network. The event will allow the over 300 participants expected to make new contacts and […]

Ortelio at the euRobotics Brokerage Day 2015

Ortelio supports Webternity to enhance its brand by: a) analysing Webternity’s target markets and suggesting appropriate marketing actions, b) supporting its social media branding and promotion, and c) implementing an online advertising campaign. Webternity is a web and social media archiving platform, used to harvest, preserve, manage and reuse web […]

Ortelio supports Webternity

Ortelio participates in the Automation Conference 2015 in Warsaw, Poland, on 18 – 20 March 2015. We present a paper related to cloud robotics, entitled “Hive Collective Intelligence for Cloud Robotics: A Hybrid Distributed Robotic Controller Design for Learning and Adaptation”. You can read the full paper below: Gkiokas, A., Tsardoulias, E. […]

Ortelio at Automation 2015

Following the previous article about the presentation of the RoboBrain architecture by Ortelio Ltd at the Humanoids Conference in Madrid, ElPais got interested in our new EU funded project MARIO, and decided to feature an article about the project. Here is the full story (in Spanish): In this article, Kathleen Murphy, MARIO’s communication […]

Ortelio and the MARIO project feature in El Pais

Ortelio participated in the European Robotics Forum 2015 in Vienna between 11 – 13 March 2015. More than 600 scientists, company representatives and robotics officials from the European Commission attended the event. Ortelio had the opportunity to discuss with researchers and business experts the RAPP and the MARIO projects and to interact in various […]

Ortelio at the European Robotics Forum

An ongoing collaborative research effort of Ortelio, RoboBrain, was presented at the Humanoids 2014 conference in Madrid in November 2014. The presentation attracted considerable interest from the audience and Ortelio gave an interview to the Spanish newspaper El Pais, discussing about the present and the future of RoboBrain. The whole article at El Pais can […]

Ortelio and RoboBrain at El Pais

Ortelio participates in the Brokerage Event for the ICT 24 call on Robotics on 9 December 2014, and in the General Assembly of euRobotics AISBL, organised on the same day. The event brings together around 300 participants from 30 countries to discuss potential project ideas and network. Ortelio is presenting its work on […]

Ortelio at the Brokerage Event for the ICT 24 call ...

Ortelio is attending the 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, in Madrid, Spain between 18 and 20 November 2014. The conference focuses on the next generation of humanoids and particularly in the field of human-humanoid interaction and cooperation. Ortelio presents the paper “RoboBrain: A Software Architecture Mapping the Human Brain”, […]

Ortelio at the Humanoids 2014 conference

Ortelio participates in the ICT proposers day, held in Florence, Italy, between9 and 10 October 2014. The networking event was held to promote European ICT Research & Innovation, focusing on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2015. Our participation focused on two works in progress: The first concerns the development of a […]

Ortelio attends the ICT Proposers day

Ortelio is attending the “Growing the Silver Economy in Europe” high level event in Brussels on September 23, where industry, SMEs, policy makers, researchers, care professionals, service providers and consumers will discuss on how to best grow a large scale Silver Economy in Europe. The day before, September 22, you can find […]

Ortelio is engaging in European silver economy initiatives

Ortelio is participating in NAOCONF 2014, the first conference dedicated to Aldebaran Robotics’ NAO humanoid robot. The event is taking place in Queen Mary University London in September 19-21, with the participation of NAO developers, roboticists, investors or anyone else with an interest in robotics. We are looking forward to discuss […]

Ortelio is attending NAOCONF 2014

Ortelio participated in NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014, to explore opportunities in the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics. NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014 took place between 5 – 12 July 2014, in Thessaloniki, Greece. A powerful community of over 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business and technical professionals met together to promote research and industrial […]

Ortelio is engaging in nanotechnology ventures

Ortelio participated in the New Frontiers for European Entrepreneurs event (NFFEE), held in Brussels on April 29. This summit featured hundreds of entrepreneurs from all over Europe, bringing together leading initiatives dedicated to the promotion of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship for growth in the EU. It was organised by the Accelerating Cross-border […]

Ortelio presents RAPP at the ACE meeting in Brussels

Recognising the increasing role that robots will play in our society in the next years, Ortelio is working in two areas: Research and development of an artificial robot brain that will be able to interact with human users. Ortelio is collaborating with research organisations and industry from UK, Ireland, Czech […]

Robots for the benefit of the society

With the acquisition of Boston Dynamics in December 2013, Google already possesses eight robotic companies. The last seven robotic companies that Google bought were all startups. Boston Dynamics is not. It was founded 20 years ago and is designing robots for the US department of defence. Boston Dynamics possesses the most […]

The future of robotics

UK digital advertising spending will reach £6.1 billion this year, eMarketer estimates, and rise another 37.7% between 2013 and 2017, when it will tally £8.4 billion. By 2016, digital ad investments will account for more than half of total media ad spending in the UK for the first time.

UK Digital Ad Spending

Ortelio is attending the kick-off meeting of the FP7 funded project RAPP, in Thessaloniki, Greece. RAPP has gathered a team from 7 organisations in 5 European countries to support the creation and delivery of robot assistive applications for the elderly. Ortelio is leading the team’s software development efforts.

RAPP kick off, Thessaloniki

Ortelio is participating in the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES2013) that is held in Lisbon, 2-6 September 2013 Significant research in the area of digital preservation has been conducted in the last 10 years with a variety of tools being developed. However, one question that has been posed […]

iPRES 2013, Lisbon

Ortelio is presenting the first version of its portable mobile branding App to the participants of the ICT Confenrence in Vilnius next November. The main themes of the conference are around the triple concept of ‘Create, Connect, Grow’ and so is our version of what we expect to shake the […]

ICT 2013, Vilnius

Ortelio is assisting web archiving researchers and professionals to enhance their position in the market by investigating the needs of memory institutions and archivists. A relevant survey is currently underway, with results expected by August 2013. To receive more information please contact us.

Web archiving research branding services