
PoRoLog (Poly Robots for Logistics) is a Technology Transfer Experiment of the DIH-squared project, that aims to provide the BleuJour company warehouse with a modular robotic solution in order to manage flows of pallets and parcels. This will be done by implementing the M3-Cooper robotic solution developed by MecaBotiX. The high level control is being developed by Ortelio and its Noos Open control platform.
L-CASHE (Low-code application development for smart home environments) focuses on the development of a cloud-based platform for low-code application development, evaluation and monitoring of IoT and CPS applications. The project is being implemented under the SMART4ALL H2020 2nd KTE programme by Ortelio Ltd and the Robotics4All group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). The main goal of L-CASHE is to provide a clean and straightforward Domain-specific Language (DSL) for the definition of goal-driven applications which will be able to be expressed using simple textual and graphical semantics. Furthermore, proper code generators are integrated with the low-code platform, to transform input application models to output source code.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, the PERSEO Innovative Training Network will train Early Stage Researchers on Personalized Robotics as Service Oriented applications, responding to emerging challenges concerning the need for robot behaviour with a high level of personalisation.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the AW-Drones project aims to facilitate the on-going European Union regulatory process for the definition of rules, technical standards and procedures for drones.

Funded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the NOESIS project identified the critical factors/features which lead to the successful implementation of Big Data technologies and services in the field of transport and logistics with significant value generation from a socioeconomic viewpoint.

newbits_logoFunded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the NEWBITS project aims to provide a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics affecting Collaborative Intelligent Transport System innovations. 
marioFunded under the Horizon 2020 “Health, demographic change and wellbeing” Programme, the project MARIO addresses the difficult challenges of loneliness, isolation and dementia in older persons through innovative and multi-faceted inventions delivered by service robots.
RAPP_logoFunded under the FP7 ICT Programme, the project RAPP develops a software platform to support the creation and delivery of robotics applications (RApps) targeted to people at risk of exclusion, especially older people.
routetopa_logoFunded under the Horizon 2020 “Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” Programme, the project ROUTE-TO-PA combines expertise in the fields of e-government, computer science, learning science and economy and is aiming at improving the engagement of citizens by making them able to socially interact over open data
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