PoRoLog (Poly Robots for Logistics) is a Technology Transfer Experiment of the DIH-squared project, that aims to provide the BleuJour company warehouse with a modular robotic solution in order to manage flows of pallets and parcels. This will be done by implementing the M3-Cooper robotic solution developed by MecaBotiX. The high level control is being developed by Ortelio and its Noos Open control platform.
L-CASHE (Low-code application development for smart home environments) project is a European funded project that focuses on the development of a cloud-based platform for low-code application development, evaluation and monitoring of IoT and CPS applications. The project is being implemented under the SMART4ALL H2020 2nd KTE programme by Ortelio Ltd and the Robotics4All group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).
The main goal of the L-CASHE project is to provide a clean and straightforward Domain-specific Language (DSL) for the definition of goal-driven applications which will be able to be expressed using simple textual and graphical semantics. Furthermore, proper code generators are integrated with the low-code platform, to transform input application models to output source code.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, the PERSEO Innovative Training Network will train Early Stage Researchers on Personalized Robotics as Service Oriented applications, responding to emerging challenges concerning the need for robot behaviour with a high level of personalisation.
The aim of PERSEO is to have a cloud repository of robot behaviours that allows an easy personalised configuration approach. This requires the investigation of different robot capabilities to adequately understand and model the human–robot interaction and adapt the robot’s behaviour to the context. Hence, researchers in computer science, philosophy, and psychology will study how robotics technology can be personalised on the physical, cognitive and social levels.
Ortelio will be employing a PhD candidate in the context of PERSEO, who will work on cloud enabled robot autonomy through a cloud-based, GPU compatible SLAM library.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the NOESIS project identified the critical factors/features which lead to the successful implementation of Big Data technologies and services in the field of transport and logistics with significant value generation from a socioeconomic viewpoint.
This was achieved through the examination of areas and contexts throughout Europe, in which ICT investments and exploitation of data are implemented. The impact of Big Data was evaluated in a series of transportation use cases (Big Data in Transport Library) by developing and applying a ‘Learning framework’ and a Value Capture mechanism which will estimate the expected benefits and costs.
Ortelio was the project coordinator of NOESIS, being involved in all key phases of the project, and leading the development of the Big Data Decision Support tool for identifying the underlying patterns of “successful” applications of Big Data in transport.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the NEWBITS project aim was to provide a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics affecting Collaborative Intelligent Transport System innovations.
NEWBITS fosters a business ecosystem approach for C-ITS which acknowledges the context of economics of networks by introducing a higher conceptual level than that of individual organisations, focusing at how organisations create value within the context of the networks in which they interoperate.
Ortelio is the project coordinator of NEWBITS, being involved in all key phases of the project, and leading the innovative business modeling implementing a Value Network Analysis (VNA) approach.
Funded under the Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” Programme, the AW-Drones project aims to facilitate the on-going European Union regulatory process for the definition of rules, technical standards and procedures for drones.
AW-Drones will provide a knowledge-base of “best practices” to support the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)’s regulatory process, and contribute to the identification and validation of a well-reasoned set of technical standards for operations, appropriate for all relevant categories of drones. The standards will be presented into an easy-to-navigate knowledge platform, open to all stakeholders.
Ortelio is involved in all phases of the project and is responsible for developing the AW-Drones knowledge platform.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the “PLASTECO” project in line with the “European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy”, will support participating territories to take the steps necessary for a transition towards a “new plastics economy”. Ortelio participates in the assessment of territorial-specific economic and social barriers against more sustainable plastic consumption and production patterns, as a subcontractor of the Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency in Bulgaria.
Funded under the Interreg ADRION programme, the “TOUREST – Tourism water management for sustainable ADRION coastal areas” project aims to provide the means to manage environmental risks linked to tourism activities in Adriatic-Ionian territories by supporting the diffusion of sustainable water management in the tourism sector and stimulating the vibrant involvement of public authorities and the tourism sector. Ortelio participates in the development of an action plan for public authorities and tourism stakeholders, and will produce a report on evidence gathered for the development of the SWOT analysis on the adoption of water efficiency solutions for the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region, as a subcontractor of the Laboratory for Telecommunications Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Slovenia.
Funded under the Interreg MED programme, the “INHERIT” project aims to alleviate the pressures exerted by tourism economic activities on MED coastal natural heritage areas by enhancing the level of protection through a combination of self-regulation, MED-specific proven policy measures, and transnational cooperation mechanisms. Ortelio participates in the development of an exploratory study on discrepancies in the policies of tourism and natural heritage protection, as a subcontractor of Séneca Foundation – Agency of Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia in Spain.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the “EXTRA-SME’s”project aims to improve policies in order to boost SME competitiveness and extraversion in EU coastal and rural areas where aquaculture is a driver of the regional economy. Ortelio participates in the development of guidelines for stakeholder group meetings, as a subcontractor of the Lapland University of Applied Sciencesin Finland.
The “DeCarb – Supporting the clean energy transition of coal intensive EU regions” project is funded under the Interreg Europe programme. Its objective is tobring together 9 partners (9 countries), to exchange experiences & transfer knowledge on how to transition from the carbon-intensive era towards the clean energy future. It will support regions to secure sustainable development, economic & societal stability, and a role in the 2030 energy mix. Ortelio is conducting a SWOT analysis to determine decarbonisation growth pathways in partners’ territories, as a subcontractor of the House of Energy (HoE) in Denmark.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the “Water reuse policies advancement for resource efficient European regions – AQUARES” project aims to achieve efficient water management through water reuse, profit from the opportunities in the water market, and secure the protection of water bodies. Ortelio will assess current and future technologies in water reuse applications in the agricultural, industrial, urban and recreational sectors, and develop a water reuse technology application guide, as a subcontractor of the Euro-Mediterranean Water Institute (IEA) in Spain.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the INVALIS project “Protecting European Biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species” aims to improve policies on biodiversity and environmental protection, by supporting policy measures for the prevention, early detection, control and eradication of invasive alien species in natural ecosystems. Ortelio is supporting the design and implementation of the project’s online and offline communication strategy, as a subcontractor of the Zemgale Planning Region in Latvia.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the “CONDEREFF – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Policies for Improved Resource Efficiency” project aims to accelerate policy work on the improvement of resource efficiency and introduce green growth opportunities in the countries of the partnership, regarding C&D waste management. Ortelio participates in the development of a methodology to investigate the economic potential of C&D waste and corresponding priority areas for regional C&D recycled materials markets, as a subcontractor of ISW – Institute for Structural Policy and Economic Development in Germany.

Funder under the Interreg MED programme, the project Castwater studies sustainable tourism water management in coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Ortelio is conducting an evaluation on the usability, effectiveness and transferability of online monitoring tools towards sustainable tourism management for Public Administrations, as a subcontractor of the Malta Regional Development and Dialogue Foundation.
Funded under the Interreg Europe programme, the project Symbi promotes industrial symbiosis for regional sustainable growth and a resource efficient circular economy. Ortelio supported the organisation of an interregional workshop on industrial symbiosis demonstration projects as a subcontractor of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Regional Government of Andalucia in Spain.