Ultraclarity open government data portal
We have developed and successfully deployed a search engine platform created specifically for open government data.
Key platform features are:
- Full text indexing of all major document types (MSOffice, PDF, OpenDocument, scanned images)
- Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Many documents published in open gov platforms are PDFs containing images only (e.g. scanned Fax documents). To resolve this problem, an OCR text extraction facility is integrated into the platform
- Document preview for a faster search experience. Users do not need to download large PDF files in order to find out after all that they are looking at the wrong document. The Preview of the 1st page of all documents accelerates searching, results browsing and selection of the most relevant item
- Configurable advanced search filters for any metadata attribute (e.g. organization, document type, signer and publication date)
- Open Access APIs are integrated into the platform. OpenSearch, OAI-PMH and RSS protocols are enabling anyone to reuse the content
Ypediavgeia.gr (UltraCl@rity) is currently the major implementation of the platform, providing services to the Greek public. Yperdiavgeia is a search engine indexing all the documents published through the Cl@rity project (Greek Open Government Data) and the Central Electronic Registry for Public Contracts (CERPC).
Statistics (April 2016):
18.328.903 decisions from the Cl@rity program
252.253 tenders and contracts
502.561 official government gazettes
4.545 parliament proceedings
5.000+ unique daily visitors
The search engine platform for open government data and Yperdiavgeia.gr are created and branded by Vangelis Banos and Ortelio Ltd (Copyright 2011 – 2016).