To develop your research portfolio, you need to secure funding for your ideas. Our research funding services include:
Identification of opportunities and setting up of goals
We keep a database of all open funding sources and match our clients interests against emerging opportunities. We provide you with guidance on where research funding priorities are moving, and whether your ideas are in line with these priorities. We set up goals in relation to securing funding for your ideas, and support you raising the required funds.
Evaluation of project ideas
We evaluate the funding potential of your ideas. We review your concepts, research major issues, and conduct an assessment of your ideas suitability for various funding programmes. We provide you with a written report to help you evaluate your project’s potential for funding, and make specific recommendations for your project to be made appropriate for specific funding opportunities. An early evaluation can save you much on time and expenses, as many research proposals describe projects that are either not innovative enough, or not eligible by the programme to which they are being submitted.
Review and evaluation of project proposals
You can have your full proposals critically reviewed and commented upon by our experts, before you submit them. We make recommendations on all aspects of the proposal, and you will receive a report on all of the evaluation criteria applied by the funding agency. After our review you will know your strong and weak points and you will be able to concentrate on improving what is needed.
Securing partnerships
We utilise our private networks and search globally for the best organisations that would add value to your ideas. We detect matches and we evaluate them for applicability against your interests. Then we deliver a list of partnering opportunities complete with short profiles and contact details of included organisations. We can also contact these organisations and negotiate terms until we find the most appropriate partners under the most appropriate terms.
Writing of proposals
When time is limited, and deadlines are approaching, we can provide you with the professional help that is needed to write a winning proposal. We provide sample documents and forms, to help reduce effort and speed up the process. We write parts of the proposal that cannot be written by your team because of time or other limitations. We help you on financial issues and cost estimates, and prepare the necessary budget forms and descriptions. We coordinate the contributions of other project partners and ensure the proper integration, editing and quality appearance of the final proposal.
Please let us know if you wish to receive more information.