Data rights management

Data rights management or digital rights management is the process of collecting data, verifying it, curating it, preserving it, and allowing access to it, without infringing copyright, IPR, privacy or other legal issues. Data rights management is still a contested term, but is often used in a commercial context to refer to mechanisms built into digital objects that control, restrict or deny copying of content, in order to protect copyright.

The main barriers associated with rights management are intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright, licensing, trademark, trade secret, patents), privacy (e.g. data collecting, data sharing and data protection), and legality (e.g. possession of illegal content, liability for defamation).

In order for a research institution or a company to make the correct decisions when collecting data either for research or for business purposes, a data rights management policy has to be reviewed and applied that will answer critical questions with regards to data collection, sharing, storing, using, reusing etc.

Ortelio supports businesses, researchers, data collectors, curators, librarians and archivists to gain enough familiarity with rights management risks and issues, while suggesting actions and treatments to mitigate those risks.

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